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St Patrick’s College occupies a relatively tight area in a picturesque location in Shorncliffe. The school campus is divided across two sites, separated by a road, and includes protected heritage buildings. In 2017, St Patrick’s engaged Elevation to develop and continue its masterplan – it had little remaining ground space on the site, burgeoning student numbers (approximately 1400 students across years 5 to 12), and the desire to lead the way with 21st-century learning environments.
We undertook an in-depth consultation and investigation process at the school and worked collaboratively with staff, students and numerous stakeholders to fully understand their wants and needs, now and projected into the future. We also watched the school in action and identified new opportunities.
Completed in 2019, the masterplan is a living document that includes eight phases of works projecting into the future, helping the school achieve value for money and accommodating future changes and demands. The first phases included classroom refurbishments and a new café that adds significant value to the school.

Photographer: Jonathan Lanham
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